Summary: House of Anubis, two years later. Nienke studies Medicine, Fabian follows an Archeology training. Amber is busy with her modeling career and Jeroen, well, Jeroen does illegal things in the back of his antiques shop. Then, Appie is rushed into the emergency room in the hospital Nienke follows an internship. Sibuna is the only thing he manages to say. Nienke gets the Club of the Old Willow back together. They're the only ones who can help Appie. The Anubis gang discovers Appie is a victim of the German Order. They want to rise to power with a real army of the dead. The army can only be summoned by blowing the Horn of Wodan. A task apparently only Appie can fulfill... It's a race against time to find the Horn of Wodan before the Order and to save Appie from death.
(To watch as a standalone, or after season 4)
Full movie:
