Summary: During the first theater show of House of Anubis, are Nienke, Fabian, Amber, Patricia, Mick, Joyce, Noa and Jeroen busy preparing the school musical. Between the collected chests, they find an old Incan treasure: the Grail of Eternal Friendship. Noa releases by accident the ghost that lives in the Grail which causes everything to go wrong. Only by working together with the people in the theater they'll be able to solve the riddles and dangerous tasks, to end this mysterious curse. But is the friendship of the club strong enough?
(To watch as a standalone or after season 2, before season 3)
Show: (Mega file, due to Google Drive issues)
Songs featured during the show subbed:
Kunnen Stenen Iets Vertellen? (Can Stones Tell Us Something?):
Het Geheim (The Secret):
Het Pad der 7 Zonden (The Path of Seven Sins):
Ware Liefde (True Love):
De Schat van Anubis (The Treasure of Anubis):
Het Huis Anubis (House of Anubis):