Summary: Sterre and Pim continue their investigation of the dark druids. Their History teacher Leopold tells them that the five residents of Anubis House are very special. Sterre, Pim, Raphael, Anastacia and Marcel are the Five of the Magical Sword of Merlin's prophecy. When Anastacia is suddenly able to see without her sunglasses, she's overjoyed. Sterre and Pim are less happy. They fear it has something to do with a dark ritual. Not only Anastacia is in danger. Also, Raphael, Marcel, Pim and Sterre are spied on by the headmaster of their high school and it seems like he's working with dark druids. Sterre feels like it's all for nothing, especially when Leopold and Raphael disappear. Will Sterre be able to discover what the dark ritual is and how she can stop it?
Episode 96-115:

heb je ook dingen van k3 zo ja wil je die der op zetten?
Thank you sooo much💕💕💕