Summary: When the members of the club hear the devastating news of Noa and Fabian, they go out to research it. Jeroen goes to Egypt, while the others try to cleanse the Teardrop to save Noa. But then Nienke discovers something terrible: if they give Noa the Teardrop, the mother of Matthijs will be lost forever. She desperately searches for a solution for both, but to do so they have to do the unthinkable: awaken the ghost of Anchesenamon and fight against Tutankhamun's vengeful wife. She only has one goal: to lay her hands on the Teardrop of Isis. Everyone who goes against her, will feel the curse of Anchesenamon...
Het Huis Anubis The Conclusion: The final part of the TV show. Two movies, one theatershow, a reunion episode and much more extra content will still follow, all the characters included!
Episode 1-16:
Episode 17-43:
Episode 44-50: